Designation Requirements
Accredited Pension Administrators (APA) - 15 hours annually Accredited Pension Representative (APR) - 10 hours annually Users are responsible for tracking the number of credits earned towards compliance requirements and eligibility for potentially repeating courses. Requirements vary by designation.
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A Professionals Guide to Ethical Decision Making (CE)
Dual Credit
General: 2
Add course 8795 to cart

DOES NOT MEET THE CFP BOARD OR CALIFORNIA ETHICS REQUIREMENT. This course will provide an overview of the characteristics of ethics and professionalism. Topics included are the standards by which a professional should be judged and a study of ethics on its philosophical and compliance levels. FL Agents: Eligible License CE9900 Generic Life/Health and Variable | Advanced

Training Topics:

- Valuing Professionalism - Standards of Professional Conduct - Understanding Ethics - Compliance and Professionalism - Business Ethics

Dual Credit:

Advanced Asset Allocation Strategies (CE)
Dual Credit
General: 3
Add course 8796 to cart

Establishing an appropriate asset mix is a dynamic process and it plays a key role in determining a portfolio's overall risk and return. As such, a portfolio's asset mix should reflect the client's goals at any point in time. There are a few different strategies for establishing asset allocations. This course will review the key models and help the financial advisor develop an asset allocation strategy that is appropriate given the individual client's needs. * This course is not Texas classroom equivalent. Florida Agents: Eligible License CE 9901 - Generic Life and General Lines | Intermediate. This course has been approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services for insurance continuing education credit. Course ID: 85959

Training Topics:

- Assessing Risk Tolerance - Strategic Asset Allocation - Tactical Asset Allocation - Core-Satellite Asset Allocation - Asset Allocation and Annuities - Retirement Asset Allocation - Asset Allocation and Life Insurance

Dual Credit:

Annuities Essentials (CE)
Dual Credit
General: 3
Add course 14622 to cart

The CE credits for this course do not apply toward the 4-hour annuity training requirement. Section I Objectives: Explain basic annuity terms, payout options, and benefits; the annuity's role in an aging America; annuity taxation; the three annuity types (fixed, variable, and equity-indexed (EIA)). Section II Objectives: Compare fixed, equity-indexed, and variable annuity features; advantages, disadvantages, and workings of each product type; and, common product features and calculation methods. Section III Objectives: Explore marketing and suitability choices; typical clients for fixed, variable, and equity-indexed annuities; "Annuity Advantage" uses (such as split annuities and control from the grave); legal and ethical considerations when determining suitability. * This course is not Texas classroom equivalent. This course has been approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services for insurance continuing education credit. Course ID: 46814

Training Topics:

- Basics of Annuities - Fixed - Variable and EIA - Marketing Opportunities - Who is Buying Annuities

Dual Credit:

Annuities in Retirement Planning (CE)
Dual Credit
General: 1
Add course 8798 to cart

This course is designed to provide an understanding of the roles and structures of different types of annuities, as well as important considerations when recommending an annuity: features, risks, benefits, costs, and suitability factors. This course also discusses important tax considerations including tax deferral and recharacterization of taxable income upon distribution, and the regulatory pitfalls of recommending annuities to fund other types of already tax-deferred investment vehicles including IRAs. Florida License Eligibility: 9900 Generic Life/Health/Variable - Misc Subjects | Intermediate. This course has been approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services for insurance continuing education credit. Course ID: 98251

Training Topics:

- The role an annuity could play in retirement income planning Roles and rights of three parties to annuity contract (owner, annuitant, and beneficiary) - Characteristics of an annuity including common riders and fees - Benefits of tax deferral with annuity products and potential recharacterization of taxable income upon distribution, from capital gains income to ordinary income - Pros and cons of placing annuities in a tax-deferred account, e.g. an IRA

Dual Credit:

Annuities Today (CE)
Dual Credit
General: 6
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The CE credits for this course do not apply toward 4 hour annuity training requirement. "This course is designed to introduce financial planners and insurance professionals to the world of annuities." It looks at the development and distribution of the product. It differentiates between fixed and variable annuities, immediate and deferred annuities, and flexible and single premium annuities. It also examines the marketing aspects of annuities and how insurers invest in this retirement vehicle; and finally, it examines current and past tax treatment of annuities. * This course is not Texas classroom equivalent. This course has been approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services for insurance continuing education credit. Course ID: 76562

Training Topics:

- What are Annuities - How Annuities are Used - Taxation of Annuities - Tax Sheltered Annuities - Variable Annuities - Equity Indexed Annuities - Function and Uses of EIAs - Disadvantages of Annuities - The Financial Strengths of Insurers

Dual Credit:

Effects of Market Uncertainty on Retirement Planning (CE)
Dual Credit
General: 1
Add course 14801 to cart

This course will help the students understand the psychological and financial impact that market volatility has on consumers and on the retirement planning process. It discusses how variable products can provide tools and solutions to mitigate the effects of market uncertainty on retirement portfolios. Asset allocation, dollar cost averaging, guaranteed living benefits and other ideas will be discussed as they relate to long-term retirement planning under all types of market conditions. * This course is not Texas classroom equivalent. This course has been approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services for insurance continuing education credit. Course ID: 46032

Training Topics:

- Market Uncertainty and Investor Reaction - Long-Term Nature of Variable Annuities - Buy and Hold Strategy - Dollar Cost Averaging - Slit Averaging Strategy - Death Benefit

Dual Credit:

Equity Indexed Annuities (CE)
Dual Credit
General: 2
Add course 8803 to cart

In offering a look at some of the unique options annuities offer, Equity Indexed Annuities will help financial professionals gain a comfort level when discussing the product with suitable clients. The course also covers the role of fixed annuities in retirement planning as well as a look at the evolution of indexed products. * This course is not Texas classroom equivalent.

Training Topics:

- Investment Horizon - Fixed Annuities Features - Participation Rate - Fund Averaging in a Point-to-Point Design - How Design and Features Affect Participation Rate - Buyer Profile - Presenting the Equity Index Annuity to Clients

Dual Credit:

Ethical Standards for Producers (CE)
Dual Credit
General: 3
Add course 19871 to cart

On completing this course, producers will be able to understand the importance of ethics in the insurance industry. Producers will learn the standards and requirements they are to uphold and how to successfully implement these when dealing with both clients and insurance companies. This course will allow the producers to create both a personal and professional code of ethics that they can follow in each and every aspect of their business. * This course is not Texas classroom equivalent.

Training Topics:

- Ethics in Modern Society - Ethical Decision Making - A Personal Code of Ethics - Standards of Ethical Behavior - Professionalism - Requirements of Professional Ethics - Public Expectations and the Insurance Industry - Ethics and Insurance Producers

Dual Credit:

Ethics and Professional Conduct (CE)
Dual Credit
General: 2
Add course 8805 to cart

This course covers some of the basics of ethics, including offering a glance at past legislation that has brought us to where we are today. By also outlining the importance of the professional, this course gives a concrete explanation of the importance of ethics to today's financial professional.

Training Topics:

- Valuing Professionalism - The Armstrong Investigation of 1905 - Stock Market Reforms - Compliance and Professionalism - What is Professionalism - The Pursuit of Excellence - Helping the Client Understand Ethics

Dual Credit:

Ethics for the Financial Services Professional (CE)
Dual Credit
General: 3
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This course will provide an overview of the characteristics of ethics and professionalism. Topics included are the standards by which a professional should be judged and a study of ethics on its philosophical and compliance levels. * This course is not Texas classroom equivalent.

Training Topics:

- High-Quality Workmanship Education - Uncompromised Values - Pursuit of Excellence - The Past as Prologue to the Future - New Standards for Ethical Conduct - Ethics on a Compliance Level - Valuing Compliance and Market Conduct

Dual Credit:

Fixed & Variable Annuities vs Mutual Funds (CE)
Dual Credit
General: 2
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This course compares and contrasts fixed annuities, variable annuities, and mutual funds. It describes each type of product and the reason why people buy them. The course also offers an in-depth analysis of variable annuities and mutual funds including advantages of each and a comparison of performance. This course assumes a basic knowledge of annuities and mutual funds and, as a result, is designated an intermediate difficulty level. FL Agents: Eligible License 9CE 2-14 - Life and Variable Annuity | Advanced. This course has been approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services for insurance continuing education credit. Course ID: 45996

Training Topics:

- Investment Safety - Inflation Protection - Marketing Performance - Main Reasons People Buy Mutual Funds - Mutual Fund Advantages - Variable Annuity Advantages

Dual Credit:

Income Planning for Heirs: Annuity Contract Structure (CE)
Dual Credit
General: 3
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By taking a look at the roles and rights of the three parties (owner, annuitant and beneficiary) along with some of the major variations found in different annuity contracts, this course covers many important aspects of income planning for heirs. It will also help the financial advisor better understand the various outcomes of the available annuity contracts and recognize the disposition and tax consequences of each scenario. A beginner's prerequisite of the knowledge of annuities designates this course as 'intermediate.' * This course is not Texas classroom equivalent.

Training Topics:

- Owner - Annuitant - Beneficiary - Death Benefit - Understanding the Contract - The Income Phase of an Annuity - Fixed Payments - Taxation of Income Payments - Stretch IRA Technique

Dual Credit:

Income Planning for Retirement (CE)
Dual Credit
General: 4
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The objective of this course is to provide an understanding of the need for planning for retirement income needs as a part of the financial planning process. The topics covered include the need for planning, asset allocation, annuitization, and payout options available. The course concludes with an enumeration of the steps that need to be taken to plan for retirement income, including a detailed case study. * This course is not Texas classroom equivalent.

Training Topics:

- Current Market Statistics - Money for Retirement - Future Income Needs - The Time Value of Money - Risk Tolerance - Types of Risk - Measuring Risk - Erosion of Purchasing Power - Tax Traps - Choosing a Type of Payout - Asset Allocation

Dual Credit:

Introduction to Individual Retirement Accounts (CE)
Dual Credit
General: 1
Add course 8810 to cart

This course provides an overview of individual retirement accounts including traditional and Roth IRAs, eligibility, funding, distribution, and taxation. It also discusses RIA rollovers from qualified plans, and the DOL's new rule to expand the definition of a fiduciary to those who recommend such rollovers or otherwise work with IRA clients. FL Agents: Eligible License 9900 Generic Life/Health/Variable - Misc Subjects | Intermediate. This course has been approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services for insurance continuing education credit. Course ID: 98252

Training Topics:

- Overview of IRAs - Types of IRAs - Contributions - eligibility and tax considerations - Taxation of Distributions - traditional vs. Roth, premature, RMDs, inherited IRAs, etc. - Roth conversions - Qualified plan rollovers to IRAs - Rollover suitability - Department of Labor (DoL) Fiduciary Rule

Dual Credit:

Planning for Senior Needs (CE)
Dual Credit
General: 5
Add course 8811 to cart

In 2011 the Baby Boomer Generation began turning 65. Those who have not reached this hallmark age are all in their 50s. This generation is the largest of the U.S. population. The growth of this senior population is unlike anything our country has seen. Unfortunately, it is going to come at great expense. The purpose of senior needs planning is to identify and fund a specific and comfortable amount of net annual retirement income. This course is designed to help financial professionals understand the various risks and challenges today's retirees face and teaches you how to develop a plan for your clients so they may sustain their lifestyles throughout retirement. Due to the prerequisite of a thorough understanding of all available investment vehicles, this course is designated as Intermediate *This course is not Texas classroom equivalent. FL Agents: Eligible License CE 2-18 - Life and Health | Intermediate. This course has been approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services for insurance continuing education credit. Course ID: 83757

Training Topics:

- Retirement Income Needs - Minding the Gap - Reverse Mortgage - Inflation - Annuity Payout Options - Paying Current Tax on Your Lump-Sum Payment - Questions about Distributions - Tax on Early Distributions from Retirement Plans, other than IRAs - Settlement Options, Annuities - Premiums - Social Security - Healthcare Needs - Legal Protection

Dual Credit:

Principles of Asset Allocation (CE)
Dual Credit
General: 4
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This course provides an understanding of the concepts of asset allocation and its importance in financial planning. The topics covered include the definitions of asset allocation and asset classes, the concepts of risk and how they relate to the asset allocation process, and a discussion of the client information that is needed to properly allocate the client assets.

Training Topics:

- Value-at-Risk - Volatility & Standard Deviation - Correlation - Diversification - Reduction of Portfolio Risk - Value of Diversification - Investor Objectives - Liquidity - Risk Tolerance - Indifference Curve - Time Horizon

Dual Credit:

Retirement Planning (CE)
Dual Credit
General: 1
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This course will familiarize the participant with the growing financial needs of retirement and the need for saving and investing for retirement. Subjects in the course include calculating income needs for retirees, future value of money and retirement spending. The participant will learn about different sources of retirement income including fixed and variable annuities in addition to various types of retirement income savings tools. * This course is not Texas classroom equivalent. FL Agents: Eligible License CE 2-16 - Life | Advanced. This course has been approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services for insurance continuing education credit. Course ID: 46037

Training Topics:

- How Much Money Will You Need at Retirement - Future Income Need - The Time Value of Money - Expenses - Early Retirement - Social Security - Employer Sponsored Retirement Plans - Self-Employed Retirement Plans - Education Plans

Dual Credit:

Retirement Planning and Annuities (CE)
Dual Credit
General: 8
Add course 8814 to cart

Planning for Retirement can involve multitudes of subjects. The more people are educated on the value of annuities, the more they will want this product. One of the last things on young couples' minds is retirement planning. Couples may think about who would care for their children if they died. They may have had a will drawn up to protect their property for their heirs. Providing an income for their retirement, however, seems to be the last to be planned. The earlier a young couple plans for their retirement, the more their retirement will be free from financial anxieties. * This course is not Texas classroom equivalent. FL Agents: Eligible License CE 2-14 - Life and Variable Annuity | Intermediate. This course has been approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services for insurance continuing education credit. Course ID: 74355

Training Topics:

- Annuities - Annuity Types Identified According to Policy Owners - Annuity Types Identified According to Policy Owners Risk - Who Would a Policyholder Want to Annuitize - Annuity Management Annuity Advantages and Disadvantages - Pension Plans - Long Term Care Insurance - Suitability and Marketing Practices

Dual Credit:

Senior Needs Planning (CE)
Dual Credit
General: 1
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Today's retirees are more active and have longer life expectancies than ever. It is not uncommon for retirement to last 20 or even 30 years, and during that time, today's retirees are likely to continue to travel, entertain, and otherwise continue to live and consume, as they have become accustomed. This trend is only expected to continue as younger Baby Boomers enter retirement, and in the not so distant future, Gen Xers approach retirement as well. Given these trends, planning for senior needs is more important than ever. FL Agents: Eligible License 9900 Generic Life/Health/Variable - Misc Subjects | Intermediate. This course has been approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services for insurance continuing education credit. Course ID: 98253

Dual Credit:

Structure and Suitability of Equity Indexed Annuities (CE)
Dual Credit
General: 1
Add course 8816 to cart

This course is intended for annuity licensed registered representatives who may recommend annuity products, and the registered principals who supervise them. FL Agents: Eligible License CE 9900 - Generic Life/Health and Variable | Intermediate. This course has been approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services for insurance continuing education credit. Course ID: 93925

Training Topics:

- Introduction - What is an Equity Indexed Annuity? - How Interest is Credited to the EIA - The Role of Indexed Annuities in Retirement Planning - EIA Suitability Considerations - EIA Enforcement Action Examples

Dual Credit:

Suitability of Variable Annuity Products (CE)
Dual Credit
General: 2
Add course 8817 to cart

If you complete this course for Nebraska CE Credit: You may only receive credit for one of Quest's suitability courses per compliance period. We will consider the foundation for suitability (NASD Rule 2310) with respect to its admonition to know the customer and the product. In addition, we will briefly discuss the general characteristics of the various classes of investment products. Following the brief introduction to suitability, the course will focus on the special suitability issues that apply to variable annuities. *This course is not eligible for state annuity credit FL Agents: Eligible License CE 2-19 - Variable Annuity | Advanced. This course has been approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services for insurance continuing education credit. Course ID: 46040

Training Topics:

- Financial Status - Investment Objectives - Obtaining Customer Information - Cash and Cash Equivalents - Debt Investments - Equity Investments - FINRA Guidelines for Variable Contract Suitability Issues - Variable Annuity Phases - Decisional Factors in Variable Annuity Suitability

Dual Credit:

Suitability of Variable Life Insurance (CE)
Dual Credit
General: 2
Add course 8818 to cart

If you complete this course for Nebraska CE Credit: You may only receive credit for one of Quest's suitability courses per compliance period. We will consider the foundation for suitability (NASD Rule 2310) with respect to its admonition to know the customer and the product. In addition, we will briefly discuss the general characteristics of the various classes of investment products. At the conclusion of the course, the registered representative will have a basic understanding of variable products and the factors that need to be considered in their suitable recommendation. FL Agents: Eligible License CE 2-16 - Life | Advanced. This course has been approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services for insurance continuing education credit. Course ID: 46041

Training Topics:

- Tax Status - Investment Objectives - Obtaining Customer Information, Cash and Cash Equivalents - Debt Investment - Equity Investment - Special Issues - Notice to Members 96-86 - Notice to Members 99-35 - Notice to Members 00-44 - Accumulation Phase - Decisional Factors in Variable Life Insurance Suitability

Dual Credit:

Suitability of Variable Products (CE)
Dual Credit
General: 3
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If you complete this course for Nebraska CE Credit: You may only receive credit for one of Quest's suitability courses per compliance period. We will consider the foundation for suitability (FINRA Rule 2111) with respect to its admonition to know the customer and the product. In addition, we will briefly discuss the general characteristics of the various classes of investment products. Following the brief introduction to suitability, the course will focus on the special suitability issues that apply to variable life insurance. At the conclusion, the registered representative will have a basic understanding of variable products and the factors that need to be considered in its suitable recommendation. * This course is not Texas classroom equivalent. FL Agents: Eligible License CE 2-14 - Life and Variable Annuity | Advanced. This course has been approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services for insurance continuing education credit. Course ID: 46042

Training Topics:

- Financial Status - Investment Objectives - Obtaining Customer Information - Cash and Cash Equivalents - Debt Investments - Stock Investments - Notice to Members 96-86 - Notice to Members 99-35 - Notice to Members 00-44 - Decisional Factors in Variable Product Suitability

Dual Credit:

The Truth About Variable Annuities (CE)
Dual Credit
General: 2
Add course 8820 to cart

An in-depth look at the structure of variable annuities and a balanced discussion of the common media comments surrounding them such as "too expensive", "death benefit not useful", "not suitable for IRAs and qualified plans" and "no tax advantages over mutual funds." In addition, this course describes the structure of variable annuities and gives additional retirement planning uses for variable annuities such as decreasing the impact of the Social Security benefit tax and utilizing variable annuities in charitable remainder trusts and NIMCRUTS. * This course is not Texas classroom equivalent. FL Agents: Eligible License CE 2-14 - Life and Variable Annuity | Advanced. This course has been approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services for insurance continuing education credit. Course ID: 45997

Training Topics:

- What is a Variable Annuity - Features of Variable Annuities - What is a Mutual Fund - Common Elements of Both Variable Annuities and Mutual Funds - Variable Annuity Fees - Investor Retirement Planning Needs

Dual Credit:

Understanding Annuities (CE)
Dual Credit
General: 2
Add course 8821 to cart

This course consists of four primary topics relating to the design and structure of an annuity. The subjects covered include the parties to the annuity contract, the contract provisions, benefit payments and owner-driven versus annuity-driven contracts. * This course is not Texas classroom equivalent. FL Agents: Eligible License CE 2-14 - Life and Variable Annuity | Advanced. This course has been approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services for insurance continuing education credit. Course ID: 46043

Training Topics:

- Saving for Retirement - Advantages of Fixed Annuities - Advantages of Variable Annuities - Contract Structuring Considerations - Characteristics of Contract Owner - Annuitant - Beneficiary - Annuitization - Variable Annuity Taxation - Required Distribution at Owner's Death - Guaranteed Death Benefit - Withdrawals and Distributions - Estate Taxation

Dual Credit:

Understanding IRAs (CE)
General: 20
Add course 15061 to cart

As an investment professional, Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) are a natural place to start helping your clients with retirement planning. The IRA is a powerful tax-advantaged investing tool that helps clients retire in dignity. There are several types of IRAs as of 2020: traditional IRAs, Roth IRAs, SEP IRAs, and SIMPLE IRAs. This series gives you a better understanding of IRA types and some of the decisions your clients may face in planning for retirement. This course is not Texas classroom equivalent. This course has been approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services for insurance continuing education credit. Course ID: 61675

Understanding the Types of Annuities (CE)
Dual Credit
General: 1
Add course 8823 to cart

This course is intended for registered representatives involved in the recommendation, sale and/or servicing of annuity products, and for supervisors of such representatives. This course discusses types of annuities, their benefits and risks, suitability considerations, and the importance of understanding ownership structures. *This course is not Texas Classroom Equivalent. FL Agents: Eligible License 9900 - Generic Life/Health/Variable - Misc Subjects | Intermediate. This course has been approved by the Florida Department of Financial Services for insurance continuing education credit. Course ID: 92563

Training Topics:

- What is an annuity - Types of annuities: fixed/variable/indexed; immediate/deferred; single premium/multiple premium; fixed payout/lifetime payout - Why annuities are used to retirement planning - Parties to the annuity contract and the importance of ownership structure in financial planning - Risks of annuities, and the importance of determining customer suitability

Dual Credit: