A Professionals Guide to Ethical Decision Making (IA INT)
This course provides representatives with an overview of the characteristics of ethics and professionalism. This course discusses the standards by which a professional should be judged and a study of ethics on its philosophical and compliance levels. The objective of this course is to provide participants with a reasoned analysis of the connection between professionalism and ethical practices.
- Professionalism
- Education
- Standards of Professional Conduct
- Understanding Ethics
- Compliance and Professionalism
- Making the Case for Good Business Ethics
Advanced Anti-Money Laundering Overview (IA INT)
This course provides an in-depth look at Anti-Money Laundering (AML) for all types of financial services representatives and agents; including real-world case studies to illustrate the concepts discussed. Topics covered in this course include: understanding the evolution of AML laws in the US; real-world examples of red flags; how reporting tools are used by FinCEN and law enforcement; and examination of case studies focusing on red flags that were caught or missed and how the criminals involved were abusing financial services institutions to launder money.
- Review of Money Laundering Basics
- Evolution of the Bank Secrecy Act and Anti-Money Laundering Measures in the US
- AML and CIP Program in the Financial Services Industry
- CDD Rule
- Red Flags
- Case Studies
Advanced Look at Collective Funds (IA)
Collective Investment Funds (CIFs) are tax-exempt pooled investment vehicles maintained by a bank or trust company. The general attributes, regulation and investment risks and rewards of CIFs are discussed in this course. This course will also focus on CIF administrative requirements, internal controls, risks and risk management and the use of third-party vendors.
- Administrative Requirements Governing CIFs
- Risks
- Risk Management
- Outsourcing: Use of Third-Party Vendor
Advanced Look at Insider Trading (IA INT)
This course is intended for registered representatives, investment advisors, institutional representatives, traders, analysts and supervisors who have a well-rounded background in the issuance, distribution and risk-analysis of conventional securities. Those taking this course should already have an intermediate understanding of the securities markets and economic analysis. Insider trading is a term that most financial professionals have heard and usually associate with illegal conduct. In reality, the term actually includes both legal and illegal conduct. The legal version is when corporate insiders, officers, directors and employees buy and sell stock in their own companies. When corporate insiders trade in their own securities they must report their trades to the SEC. Illegal insider trading refers generally to buying or selling a security in breach of a fiduciary duty or other relationship of trust and confidence while in possession of material, nonpublic information about the security. This course covers the definition of insider trading, why insider trading is important, and insider trading rules. Individuals taking this course will also learn how to identify key terms related to insider trading, rules and regulations governing insider trading, and consequences of insider trading.
- Insider Trading: Three Scenarios - Case Study - Definition of Insider - What is Inside Information? - Trading on Inside Information - Tipping - Public Disclosure - Regulatory Background - SEC Rules and Regulations - Laws Related to Insider Trading - Landmark Cases
NEW! - Advanced Strategies in AML Compliance and Enforcement (IA INT)
This course provides a comprehensive overview of Anti-Money Laundering (AML) compliance, detailing its importance, regulatory frameworks, key components, challenges, and emerging trends. It covers foundational principles like Customer Due Diligence (CDD) and Suspicious Activity Reporting (SAR), regulatory standards from bodies like the FATF, and the impact of technologies such as AI and blockchain. Case studies, including the PlusToken Ponzi scheme and one firm's legal challenges, illustrate practical applications and the evolving landscape of AML efforts. The course also emphasizes the need for ongoing education, collaboration, and proactive measures in combating financial crime.
Advertising Guidelines for Investment Advisers (IA INT)
Investment Advisers have a complex web of guidelines and regulations to navigate when communicating with the public, potential investors, and existing clientele. In this course, users will learn about advertising regulations while picking up some tips and best practices for dealing with these types of communication. Additionally, the course will cover advertising-related regulations, federal enforcement actions, and regulatory organization guidelines.
Alternative Investment Compliance Issues for RIAs (IA INT)
This important course is intended for Investment Adviser Representatives (IARs) and Chief Compliance Officers (CCOs) who utilize alternative investments in their business model. It provides practical advice on how Registered Investment Advisers (RIAs) can evaluate alternative investments and determine if they are the right choice for their clients. Advisers will receive guidance on how to conduct due diligence of alternative investments and their managers. In addition, the course will discuss the Securities and Exchange Commission's (SEC) observations regarding the due diligence practices of certain RIAs that manage or recommend alternative investments. It will also identify the red flags that advisers should watch out for when evaluating alternative investments and their managers.
Alternative Investments (FE INT)
This course is intended for registered representatives, investment advisers, institutional representatives, traders and supervisors who have a well-rounded background in the issuance, distribution and risk-analysis of conventional securities. Those taking this course should have an intermediate understanding of the securities markets and the wide variety of securities products that are offered for sale to investors. This course will cover the most often utilized alternative investment options, such as Futures, Options, ETFs, Hedged Funds, REITS and Gold.
- Background of Alternative Investments - Alternative Investment Types - Futures - Options - Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) - Hedge Funds - Gold
AML and Private Equity (IA INT)
This course is designed for individuals who work or aspire to work in the private equity industry and need to understand why money laundering is illegal and the associated anti-money laundering (AML) regulations. This material is suitable for investment professionals at all levels, with an emphasis on senior executives who are responsible for ensuring compliance with AML regulations. Most financial institutions that deal with complex investments have AML-related responsibilities. This course is an introduction and discussion of AML topics including awareness, training, regulations, and compliance. In particular, the material focuses on the financial world of private equity as it pertains to AML concerns, regulations, and compliance. Upon completion, course participants will have a solid understanding of AML, regulation compliance, and best practices that help mitigate risks associated with the financial crime of money laundering.
An Introduction to Collective Funds (IA)
Collective Investment Funds (CIFs) are tax-exempt, pooled investment vehicles maintained by a bank or trust company. The federal securities laws generally require entities that pool securities to register those pooled vehicles (such as mutual funds) with the SEC. This course provides an introduction to CIFs, the different types, regulations and other basic information about this type of investment.
- Understand the definition of a CIF
- Discuss the differences between CIFs and mutual funds
- Identify different types of CIFs
- Know how CIFs are regulated
- Understand specialized CIFs
- Discuss the rewards and risks of CIF investing
An Overview of Fixed Income Securities (IA INT)
This course is designed to provide representatives with a general understanding of fixed income securities - what they are, how they can be employed in an investor's portfolio, and the risks and rewards involved in investing in fixed income securities.
- Fixed Income Securities General Characteristics
- Risk Factors
- Types of Fixed Income Securities
- Issuers of Fixed Income Securities
- Buying and Selling Fixed Income Securities
- Fixed Income Market Intermediaries
- Fixed Income Securities Investors Suitability and Other Considerations
An Overview to the Custody Rule (IA INT)
This course will review the custody rule, the amendments to it over the years, the different triggers for custody, and who is a qualified custodian. By the end of the course, students will have a better understanding of what it means to take custody, the impact of this, and the regulations surrounding being a custodian.
Annual AML Update: Cryptocurrency, Regulatory Guidance, and Enforcement (INT)
This course covers 2021 anti-money laundering (AML) updates and things to consider in an everchanging world. The advent of Covid-19 and multiple variants that have come afterwards has created the perfect storm for those who want to conceal dirty (laundered) money. The new environment of remote work and in a lot of cases virtual interactions with new and existing clients further complicates the ability to track and catch these illegal activities. Add cryptocurrency to the mix with its anonymity and life in the financial industry has become complicated in ways never imagined even 10 years ago.
Annual AML Update: Review of Regulatory Guidance and Enforcement (IA INT)
This course is a review of Anti-Money Laundering developments from 2019 including regulatory guidance from the securities and banking industries, FATF cryptocurrency guidance, enforcement actions, a new FINCEN department and several case studies from the Danske Bank AML case to the US' Mueller report. By the end of the course, students will have an understanding of both the front-end of the regulatory environment as well as real life stories to inform how money laundering is caught and prosecuted in modern cases.
Anti-Fraud Programs and Controls for the Investment Advisor (IA)
Preventing fraud has always been a concern for organizations; in the new regulatory world, it has become a matter of law. While the cost of fraud and penalties for non-compliance are in themselves important considerations, today's zero-tolerance environment means that fraudulent financial reporting or misappropriation of assets can have serious ramifications for an organization and in some circumstances even spell the demise of an organization. This course will provide an overview of potential fraud situations and measures that can be taken to avoid fraud and protect customers.
- Political and Legislative Context - What is Fraud? - Anti-Fraud Prevention and Timely Detection - Internal Controls - One Size Does Not Fit All
Anti-Money Laundering for Financial Services Professionals (IA INT)
This course is intended for retail representatives, investment advisors, supervisors or any financial service industry professional interested in learning about industry rules regarding anti-money laundering. This course will examine anti-money laundering regulation in the financial industry.
- What is Money Laundering?
- The Scope of the Problem
- The Process of Money Laundering
- Money-Laundering Techniques
- Impact
- CDD Rule
- Criminal and Civil Penalties
Anti-Money Laundering for Investment Advisers (FE INT)
This course covers proposed anti-money laundering rules for registered investment advisers. Included are highlights of the major features of the proposed rule and the implications the rule will have for investment advisers.
Anti-Money Laundering for Investment Advisers (IA INT)
This course covers proposed anti-money laundering rules for registered investment advisers. Included are highlights of the major features of the proposed rule and the implications the rule will have for investment advisers.
Anti-Money Laundering for Investment Advisers - Vol. 2 (FE INT)
At present, there are no anti-money laundering (AML) rules in place in the United States for SEC registered investment advisors (RIAs) and their administrators. This does not mean that RIAs should ignore the program requirements outlined in the Proposed Rule and incorporate them into their compliance programs. This course will explore the Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act of 1970 and the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA), and how the Department of the Treasury imposes reporting and other requirements on financial institutions and other businesses to help detect and prevent money laundering.
Anti-Money Laundering for Investment Advisers - Vol. 2 (IA INT)
At present, there are no anti-money laundering (AML) rules in place in the United States for SEC registered investment advisors (RIAs) and their administrators. This does not mean that RIAs should ignore the program requirements outlined in the Proposed Rule and incorporate them into their compliance programs. This course will explore the Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act of 1970 and the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA), and how the Department of the Treasury imposes reporting and other requirements on financial institutions and other businesses to help detect and prevent money laundering.
Anti-Money Laundering Regulations and Red Flag Requirements for U.S. Investment Advisers (IA INT)
Anti-money laundering (AML) is a phrase used to describe the body of regulations that financial institutions must adhere to in order to detect and report money laundering activities. Although many AML regulations do not directly apply to investment advisers who are not also registered as a covered financial institution (broker-dealer, bank, credit union, etc.), many IARs find themselves at the front lines of AML responsibilities because of the relationships they have with their custodians; who are often required to comply with the entire body of AML regulations. This course will cover AML regulations and Red Flags that Investment Advisers should be aware of within their practice. You may not realize it, but you, as an investment adviser, are your custodian's eyes and ears on the ground in combating the nearly 1.5 trillion dollars that is estimated to be laundered annually.
- Overview of Money Laundering
- Federal Legislation
- USA Patriot Act
- Red Flag Requirements
- What is Money Laundering?
- What's at Stake?
- Know Your Customer Guidelines
- CDD Rule
- New Account Requirements
- Using the Office of Foreign Assets Control
- Suspicious Behavior Checklist
- Currency Transaction Reports
- Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs)
Anti-Money Laundering: Regulatory Impact of Custodial Relationships with Investment Advisors (IA INT)
This course is intended for investment advisor representatives to focus on high level anti-money laundering concepts, AML program implementation at custodians, and the regulations associated with detecting and monitoring suspicious activity. At the end of this course, you will have a better understanding of Customer Identification Programs, OFAC Sanctions Programs, Foreign Shell Banks, Due Diligence Programs, and the role the investment advisor can play in protecting assets from money laundering or criminal activity.
- Regulatory Framework
- Customer Identification Programs (CIP)
- Customer Due Diligence Rule
- Beneficial Owner
- Customer Identification and Verification
- OFAC Sanctions Programs and Other Lists
- Foreign Shell Banks and Due Diligence Programs
- Special Measures Imposed by the Secretary of the Treasury
- Suspicious Activity Monitoring and Reporting
- Records of Funds Transfers
- Information Sharing with Law Enforcement and Financial Institutions
- Additional BSA Reports
This course is intended to familiarize representatives with the process of money laundering and the laws that make it a crime. At the end of this course, you will have a better understanding of Customer Identification Programs, OFAC Sanctions Programs, Foreign Shell Banks, Due-Diligence Programs and much more.
In any regulatory or economic environment, CCOs have a difficult job. New CCOs may feel overwhelmed by the complexity of their position, especially when clients and employees are being pulled in many directions as they face the new normal. This course is designed to help you deal with the challenges you face as CCO and the responsibilities that go hand-in-hand with the position. Along with giving an overview of the wide range of responsibilities of CCOs, we will touch on the applicable compliance rules and regulations.
Client Suitability for the Investment Advisor (IA INT)
When a client wishes to open any account with a brokerage firm, the investment adviser must fill in the account form with the clients personal information, including his or her income levels, investment objectives, and financial goals. The investment adviser uses this information to help the client evaluate the appropriate investments to fit his or her needs. This course discusses how to determine the suitability of the various investments to different clients and examines the risk characteristics associated with an investment company portfolio.
- Objectives - Current Income - Growth of Investment Capital - Income & Expenses - Net Worth - Insurance Needs - Tax Status - Risk
Client Suitability for the Investment Advisor - Vol. 2 (IA INT)
This course is intended for broker-dealers, registered investment advisor firms, and all current or prospective Investment Advisors. The topic of the course, suitability, explores what that term means when recommending or initiating the purchase of a security for a client. FINRA and SEC regulations around suitability are covered. An important topic included in this course centers around customer investment portfolios. You'll learn about the predominant use of model portfolios as well as some proprietary versions. Additionally, the hot technology topic of artificial intelligence is discussed as it relates to the course topic and investments.
his course is intended for retail representatives, institutional representatives, investment advisers, supervisors or any financial service industry professional. All professions have a code of conduct to which its members must adhere. This course stresses the importance of holding each representative of the company accountable for maintaining a standard that all must comply with.
- How to work with Prospects and Clients - How to work with other representatives - How to work with your firm and its employees
Conducting Business in a Pandemic: BCP and Regulatory Guidance (IA INT)
What happens when disaster impacts every single broker-dealer and regulator at the same time? How can we respond, pivot, and ensure business goes on? This course covers the Business Continuity Plan requirements for U.S.-based broker-dealers and the regulatory response from FINRA to the COVID-19 crisis in 2020.
Conflicts of Interest and Investment Advisers (IA INT)
This course discusses the most likely ways that conflicts arise for investment advisers and how to effectively manage and disclose them. Additionally, the course focuses on adhering to your firm's Code of Ethics and identifying any conflicts of interest pursuant to Rule 206(4)-7.
Corporate Bonds (FE INT)
This course is intended for registered, supervisors and other employees of broker/dealers. The individual who will gain the most from this course should have a basic understanding of how bonds are issued, purchased, and sold. Companies seeking to raise capital have the choice of using equity or debt instruments to do so. One of the most common debt instruments used to raise or borrow capital is bonds. This course provides an in-depth overview of corporate bonds, touching on topics from how they are priced, how they trade, and how they can be used to finance specific needs.
- Characteristics of Corporate Bonds
- Registered Form and Book Entry Form
- Principal Only Registration
- Trust Indenture
- Bond Indenture
- Convertible Bonds
- Pit (or Tender) Option Bonds
- Serial Bonds
- Series Bonds
- Term Bonds
- Bond Redemption
- Secondary Market
- Corporate Bonds
- Equipment Trust Certificates
- Zero Coupon Bonds
Customer Complaints and Dispute Resolution (IA INT)
This course is primarily designed for registered representatives of FINRA regulated broker-dealer firms. It may also be appropriate for registered principals and compliance staff at a broker-dealer, as well as registered persons of Registered Investment Advisors and their supervisory staff. The course begins with an overview of the many regulatory requirements surrounding customer complaints. It then looks at Dispute Resolution in the securities industry, in particular the systems of arbitration and mediation that are sponsored by FINRA.
Customer Data Protection (IA INT)
This course is intended for retail representatives, institutional representatives, investment advisers, supervisors or any financial service industry professional interested in learning how industry rules apply to the use and supervision of customer data. Under SEC Rule 30 of Regulation S-P, member firms and other financial institutions, are required to adopt written policies and procedures that address safeguards for the protection and disposal of customer records and information. As a registered representative, you need to know and follow your firm's policies and procedures for customer data protection. Failing to protect nonpublic personal information (NPI) subjects customers to identify theft. This course discusses ways in which client data can be compromised should you fail to recognize and implement security measures in your practice. Making certain to implement firm requirements with an ability to recognize and avert potential vulnerabilities will help ensure proprietary and customer data is not compromised.
- Identity Theft
- Federal Customer Data Safety Requirements and their Sources
- FACTA Red Flags Rule
- Privacy and Protection
- Exploitation of Data, Systems, Firms, and Customers
- Cyber Criminals vs Traditional Criminals
- Technology and Software/Hardware Breaches
- Examples of System Failures
Cybersecurity (IA INT)
This course will examine various targets and types of cyber-attacks, their threat to the financial industry, regulatory measures to prevent cybercrimes and practical steps toward cybersecurity. Practical advice for advisors on steps to reduce risk will be discussed, as well as the consequences to firms for failing to protect against cybersecurity threats. Please note: This course includes audio on each page.
- Unauthorized access
- Operational disruption
- Disclosure of risk factors and cyber-attack events
- Regulatory guidance and rulemaking
- Steps toward cybersecurity
Cybersecurity: Modern Regulatory Resources and Case Studies (IA INT)
This course is focused on two related cybersecurity topics facing FINRA member firms: Regulatory guidance deriving from the exam and risk monitoring program cycle and the regulatory resources available to help prevent the loss of data, loss of customer confidence, increased reputation risk, and regulatory discipline. The course utilizes regulatory guidance, notices, and case studies to help firms and their associated persons understand the risk monitoring required for a robust cybersecurity program.
Cybersecurity: Phishing (IA INT)
As firms increase reliance on technology to conduct their operations, the risks to firm associated with cybersecurity continue to increase. This course provides representatives with background knowledge of cybersecurity risks and best practices, including phishing tactics, vendor management controls, information sharing and much more.
- Cybersecurity
- Phishing
Department of Labor Prohibited Transaction Exemptions (IA INT)
This course will provide an overview of the Department of Labor Prohibited Transaction Exemptions. It will start with the origins of prohibited transactions by discussing the Department of Labor and the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974, otherwise known as ERISA. It will explain what are prohibited transactions, those transactions that are exempt and penalties that may be incurred if there is a violation. This course will also cover the exemption process and will wrap with examining the most recent exemptions that have been made for prohibited transactions.
Due Diligence for Investment Advisers (IA INT)
This course is designed to provide investment advisers with an understanding of their obligations to perform due diligence on third parties. The course discusses due diligence on service providers the firm uses, as well as the obligations and potential liabilities involved when recommending third parties to clients. The course also discusses due diligence as it relates to prospective employees and in the context of the growing use of social media by investment advisers.
- Custodians
- Third-party service providers
- Regulatory guidance/influence
- Prospective employees
- Best Execution
- Private Offerings
- Social Media
Effective Marketing Strategies Utilizing Social Media (IA INT)
This course is intended for representatives, investment advisors, institutional representatives, supervisors and marketing staff that work with both clients and prospects in a retail and institutional environment. Social Media use for both business and personal purposes has exploded in the past few years. Recently, the financial services industry has begun to embrace this new way to interact with and market to clients and prospects. With that, there remains doubt and confusion as how to best utilize this exciting medium. This course will provide representatives with an overview of the different social media mediums. It will look at the various types of regulatory requirements that govern these communications. Finally, the course will teach representatives how to utilize social media for marketing communications, customer service and branding.
- Description of Social Media - Six Types of Social Media - How Social Networks Work - What is Social Media Marketing - Compliance Overview - FINRA and SEC Compliance Rules for Using Social Media - Social Media Suitability - Record Keeping Requirements - Supervisor's Responsibilities - How to Successfully Market to Clients and Prospects While Remaining Compliant
As an investment professional, you have the ability to work with clients of all ages and from all walks of life. This includes clients that may be senior citizens or could be considered "vulnerable" due to many different circumstances. Senior and vulnerable investors have been in the regulatory spotlight over the last few years. In fact, additional regulation has recently been enacted to help protect the most vulnerable of clients. Historically, there was little guidance or information on how to ensure investment professionals are taking extra care to prevent harm for these clients. This course will cover regulation that is currently in place to help prevent financial exploitation. It will also explore in depth the relationship between the work you do and how you can ensure your clients' assets are protected.
Ethics and Professional Conduct (IA INT)
This course is intended for registered representatives, investment advisers, compliance staff and supervisors that work with retail investors. This course covers some of the basics of ethics and offers a glance at past legislation that has brought us to where we are today. By also outlining the responsibilities of each professional, this course sheds light on why it is imperative that all members of any profession maintain and adhere to professional ethical standards.
- An Introduction to Ethics
- Important Concepts: Efficiency, Reliability, Knowledge and Due Diligence
- Valuing Professionalism
- Characteristics of a Professional
- Why look at the Past?
- The Armstrong Investigation of 1905
- Stock Market Reforms
- Suitability Rule
- Industry Ethics
- Compliance and Professionalism
- Good Business Ethics
- What is Professionalism?
- Good Business Ethics
- The Pursuit of Excellence
- Due-Diligence
-Helping the Client
- Understanding Ethics
Ethics for the Financial Services Professional (IA INT)
This course is intended for registered representatives, investment advisors, compliance staff and supervisors that are responsible for working with clients. This course provides an overview of the characteristics of ethics and professionalism. Topics include the standards by which a professional should be judged, as well as a study of ethics on its philosophical and compliance levels.
- What is Professional Ethics?
- Advantages and Disadvantages of Code of Ethics
- Example of Professionalism & New Opportunities
- Demand for Recognition as a Professional
- Professionalism & High-Quality Workmanship
- Education & Uncompromised Values
- The Past as Prologue to the Future
- New Standards for Ethical Conduct
- Ethics on the Philosophical Level
- Compliance Needs Ethics and the Letter of the Law
- Valuing Compliance and Market Conduct
- Protect Your Client, Not Yourself
Financial Exploitation of Specified Adults & Customer Account Information (IA INT)
This course focuses on industry guidelines designed to avoid and mitigate financial exploitation of seniors and other vulnerable adults.
- Background
- Customer Accounts
- Financial Exploitation
- Specified Adults
- Temporary Holds on Disbursements
- Trusted Contact Persons
- Diminished Capacity
- Red Flags for Financial Exploitation
FINRA and SEC Examination Priorities for 2020 (IA INT)
It's the news we all wait for on pins and needles: FINRA and the SEC's annual examination priorities. While regulators are definitely focusing a majority of their attention on recurring issues, there are a handful of developing risks for firms to pay special attention to this year. In this course, we'll summarize the SEC and FINRA's recently released examination letters, discuss any changes to be expected in 2020 and provide strategies for preparing for an onsite examination.
FINRA and SEC Examination Priorities for 2021 (IA INT)
As a way to increase transparency between regulators and the registered firms and advisors they oversee, the SEC and FINRA release their annual examination priorities letters at the beginning of each year. These letters serve as a great resource for registered firms and members as they work to meet their annual compliance obligations. This course will provide a general overview of what was included on both the SEC and FINRA examination priorities letters while highlighting the specific areas which will receive the most attention in 2021, including Regulation Best Interest and Form CRS, Cybersecurity and Anti-Money Laundering.
FINRA and SEC Examination Priorities for 2022 (IA INT)
As a way to increase transparency between regulators and the registered firms and advisors they oversee, the SEC and FINRA release their annual examination priorities letters at the beginning of each year. These letters serve as a great resource for registered firms and members as they work to meet their annual compliance obligations. This course will provide a general overview of what was included on both the SEC and FINRA examination priorities letters while highlighting the specific areas which will receive the most attention in 2022, including Anti-Money Laundering, Cybersecurity, Regulation Best Interest, Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (SPACs), ESG Investing, and more.
FINRA and SEC Examination Priorities for 2023 (IA INT)
As a way to increase transparency between regulators and the registered firms and advisors they oversee, the SEC and FINRA release their annual examination priorities letters at the beginning of each year. These letters serve as a great resource for registered firms and members as they work to meet their annual compliance obligations. This course will provide a general overview of what was included in both the SEC and FINRA examination priorities letters while highlighting the specific areas which will receive the most attention in 2023, including Anti-Money Laundering, Cybersecurity, Regulation Best Interest, ESG Investing, and more.
Fixed Income Transaction Reporting (IA INT)
The following course provides an overview of trade reporting systems operated by both the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA) and the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB), under the rules and supervision of the SEC. It covers the basic rules and requirements of each system. The course also covers the requirements of both FINRA and MSRB for reporting transactions to customers, via trade confirmations. The course is suitable for registered representatives, their supervisors, compliance members and other staff who seek to gain a better understanding of the regulatory requirements related to transactions of fixed-income securities. The course may also be useful for traders and individuals who are responsible for building trading and reporting systems. In addition, any individuals who are directly related to day to day trading operations, reporting or oversight should be given additional in-depth training on TRACE and EMMA functionality and regulatory requirements.
Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (IA INT)
This course is intended for advisors, their supervisors, compliance personnel and sales support staff that work with international securities or the trading of international securities. Congress enacted the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) to bring a halt to the bribery of foreign officials and to restore public confidence in the integrity of the American business system. This course will review the background that led to the introduction of the FCPA.
Harassment and Discrimination in a Professional Environment (IA INT)
This course provides an overview of sexual harassment and discrimination in the workplace: prohibited conduct; employee responsibilities; and the remedies available for employment discrimination.
- Sexual Harassment
- Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment
- The Dollar Cost of Sexual Harassment
- EEOC Sexual Harassment Guidelines
- Avoiding Sexual Harassment Claims
- What is Sexual Harassment...Really?
- Workplace Do's and Don'ts for Employees
- Types of Discrimination
- Procedures to Report a Claim of Harassment or Discrimination
Harassment and Discrimination in a Professional Environment for Supervisors (IA INT)
This course provides an overview of sexual harassment and discrimination in the workplace: prohibited conduct; employee, supervisor and employer responsibilities; and the remedies available for employment discrimination.
- Sexual Harassment
- Quid Pro Quo Sexual Harassment
- Hostile Environment Sexual Harassment
- The Dollar Cost of Sexual Harassment
- EEOC Sexual Harassment Guidelines
- Avoiding Sexual Harassment Claims
- Actions of the Supervisor
- Who Qualifies as a Supervisor?
- Harassment by Supervisor that Results in Employment Action
- What Constitutes Retaliation
- Sexual Harassment Case Studies
- Types of Discrimination
How to Work with Millennial Investors (IA INT)
Generation Y, Echo Boomers, Generation Why?, Boomerang Generation or Millennials, whichever term used will define roughly the same thing: the youngest of the US working population. They are a new breed of investors that require new methods of investing their money, different than the strategies used with their parents. Learning to understand millennials helps to understand their financial goals. The biggest hurdle to jump: Millennials tend to be cynical of the importance and value of using financial advisors. This course prepares you to recognize and work with millennial clients the way they want to be worked with.
- Who are the Millennials
- Where are the Millennials
- What Can be Done for Millennials
- Why work with Millennials
- When to Approach Millennials
- How to Communicate with Millennials
Identity Theft Prevention and the Financial Services Industry (IA INT)
This course is intended for anyone working in the financial services industry that may have contact with sensitive customer information. This course is beneficial for all firms, as training is required to comply with the Federal Trade Commission FACT Act Identity Theft Rules. This course examines the primary rules that protect customer information and the role that employees play in identifying identity theft red flags. Finally, the course uncovers the various methods used by hackers to steal customer identities.
- A Consumer Issue for Business
- Definition of Identity Theft
- Asses Your Business Risk
- Data Collection & Best Practices
- Tips for Reducing Risk
- Disclosure & Systems Security
- Proper Data Disposal
- What to do When a Thief Strikes
- Investigation & Informing Customers of Problems
- Dealing with the Media
- Customer Trust and Loyalty
Identity Theft: It's Everyone's Business (IA INT)
The federal financial regulatory agencies have adopted and enforced robust data security standards for entities under their jurisdiction. Protection of financial and personal customer information is a key responsibility and obligation of FINRA member firms. This course provides representatives with a comprehensive overview of identity theft, as well as the things they can do while conducting their day-to-day business to help ensure consumer data is kept out of the hands of criminals. <i>Please note: This course includes audio on each page.</i>
- Who pays the price?
- What is identity theft?
- Ways to Steal an Identity
- Mitigating the Risk
- Steps to Recover from Identity Theft
Information Security: Protecting You, Your Clients and Your Firm for the Investment Adviser (IA INT)
Information Security plays an important role in our lives, both at home and at work. Its primary goal is preserving the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information and information systems. This course will cover the key principles to ensure employees do everything possible to maintain the integrity of confidential information at the firm.
Insider Trading (IA INT)
This course is intended for registered representatives, supervisors, sales associates, compliance administrators, new account managers and any financial service professional who is exposed to customers who may be corporate insiders or individuals who may possess material nonpublic information about their companies. This course reviews the background and scope of SEC anti-fraud standards prohibiting insider trading. Representatives will gain a thorough understanding of what is deemed illegal and legal insider trading. They will learn about the penalties imposed when violators are found guilty and who is harmed by illegal insider trading.
- SEC Governance - Division of Corporate Finance - Division of Market Regulation - Division of Investment Management - Division of Enforcement - Common Violations - Definition and Impact of Insider Trading - Penalties for Insider Trading - Rule 10b5-1 - Who are Insiders - Legal Insider Trading
Insider Trading: The Illegal Side (IA INT)
This course provides an overview of what insider trading activity is and is not allowed, how insider trading laws have evolved, prevention of illegal activity through policies and education, the challenges of prosecuting criminal insider trading and a discussion of reasons for and against the legalization of insider trading.
- Definition of Illegal and legal insider trading
- The laws surrounding insider trading
- Prevention of illegal insider trading activity
- Prosecuting illegal insider traders
- Legalization issues for insider trading
Introduction to Investment Adviser Compliance (IA INT)
This course is designed to cover basic compliance requirements of investment advisers, as required by the Investment Advisers Act of 1940 ("Advisers Act") as well as other applicable regulatory requirements. This course serves as educational and informational for novice investment adviser representatives, including those just joining an RIA or starting a new firm. This course also services as a healthy refresher for experienced advisors.
Introduction to Retirement Plans (IA INT)
With the ever-changing retirement landscape, it's important for the financial professional to have a basic understanding of the types of retirement plan options that may be available to their clients. In this course, you will learn about the history of retirement plans, basic differences between the available plans and the individuals that qualify for such plans, potential tax implications, contribution limits, required minimum distributions, and the benefits and drawbacks for the available plans that your clients' may have as part of their retirement portfolio. This course will also provide the applicable FINRA, SEC, and DOL rules that may be relevant when giving advice about a retirement account. This course is not intended to provide tax advice and does not include all tax implications associated with retirement plans, it is intended to provide an informational baseline so that you can better assist your clients with their retirement planning needs.
Introduction to the Industry for Investment Advisors (INT)
As a newly registered financial advisor, there is much basic information you need to be familiar with to launch your business. Much of what you must abide by as a financial advisor is detailed in the Investment Advisers Act of 1940. This course is meant to help you understand the compliance obligations in these provisions and provides additional resources from the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) to help you comply with these rules and laws.
- Your Role as a Fiduciary
- Adopting Appropriate Policies and Procedures
- Preparing and Filing Reports with the SEC
- Code of Ethics Governing Employees and Enforcing Insider Trading Procedures
- Maintaining Books and Records
- Seeking Out and Obtaining the Best Price and Execution for Your Clients' Securities Transactions
- Contracts with Clients
- Examination by SEC Staff
- Voting Authority Over Proxies
- Advertising Your Services
- Paying Others to Solicit New Clients
- Custody or Possession of Clients' Funds or Securities
- Disclosing Certain Financial and Disciplinary Information
- Choosing a Method of Compensation
An investment adviser stands in a special relationship of trust and confidence with, and therefore is a fiduciary to, its clients. Understanding "fiduciary responsibility" is critical, because it is at the core of being a good investment adviser. In a very practical sense, if an adviser and the adviser's employees understand the meaning of being a fiduciary and incorporate this understanding into daily business operations and decision-making, clients should be well served. This course will clarify the history, scope, and liability associated with the fiduciary responsibilities of an investment adviser.
- Fiduciary standard
- Conflicts of Interest
- Disclosure requirements
- Inadequate disclosures
- Fraudulent acts and omissions
- Fiduciary liability and prosecution
Investment Advisers: Communication Compliance & the SEC (IA INT)
This course provides advisors with extensive information about how to properly advertise to the public while assuring compliance with the SEC's communication rules. Additionally, the course addresses the growing use of social media among the financial services industry and the risks and obligations that are tied to this type of communication.
Investment Advisor Code of Ethics (IA INT)
This course provides an introduction to the basics of the Investment Adviser's Act and is intended for Investment Advisor's, Investment Advisor Representatives, and Certified Financial Planners. Also of interest and beneficial to financial service industry professionals is how the standards may be changing as well as the latest developments in law(s). The objective of this course is to provide an overview of various definitions and regulations to define what is required of a financial services professional who falls under the Investment Adviser Act.
- Rule 204 - Requirement for Written Code of Ethics - Compliance/Supervisory Manual - Standards of Conduct - Reporting - Violations - Enforcement and Penalties - Implementation and Education - Access Persons - Personal Trading - Recordkeeping
Investment Advisor Custody Rule (IA INT)
Rule 206(4)-2 was amended in 2003 affecting all financial advisors requiring all who have custody of client securities or other funds to maintain them with banks, broker-dealers, or other custodians who are qualified under this rule. Additional updates were made in 2017, which are covered in the course. This course will cover the custody rule as it relates to Investment Advisors, with topics such as how the rule is utilized, benefits, and recent updates.
Investment Suitability for Clients (IA INT)
When a client wishes to open any account with a brokerage firm, the financial professional must fill in the account form with the clients personal information, including his or her income levels, investment objectives, and financial goals. The financial professional uses this information to help the client evaluate the appropriate investments for his or her needs. This course discusses how to determine the suitability of the various investments for different clients and examines the risk characteristics associated with an investment company portfolio.
- Suitability - Regulation Best Interest - Client Objectives - Current Income - Growth of Investment Capital - Income & Expenses - Net Worth - Insurance Needs - Tax Status - Risk
Net Unrealized Appreciation (IA INT)
This course examines the potential benefits and regulatory requirements that are associated with NUA tax treatments of lump-sum distributions from qualified retirement plans. Additionally, the course provides different scenarios designed to help advisers decide when it is appropriate to recommend NUAs as a tax savings option for individual clients.
New York's Best Interest Amendment to Regulation 187 (IA)
As of August 1, 2019, broker-dealers who sell annuities in the state of New York will need to abide by the New York State Department of Financial Services Best Interest Regulation 187. This regulation involves life insurance and annuity products and officially amends the Suitability and Best Interests in Life Insurance and Annuity Transactions. Those who sell annuities in New York State will need to be aware of the new regulation and how it impacts their handling of annuities and life insurance products.
- What Transactions the Amended Regulation Will Affect
- Life Insurance Policies Affected by Amended Regulation 187
- Annuity Policies Affected by Amended Regulation 187
- Exempted Transactions from Amended Regulation 187
- Summary of the Amended Regulation
- How Amended Regulation 187 Affects Sales Transaction Recommendations
- How to Satisfy New In-force Recommendation Standards
- Obligations and Duties for Insurers Under Amended Regulation 187
- Insurers Subcontracting to Third Parties Under Amended Regulation 187
- Complying with Amended Regulation 187 - Practical Considerations for Broker-Dealers in New York
NY & NYC Combating Sexual Harassment in the Workplace (IA INT)
Both New York City and New York State have long been committed to ensuring all individuals have an equal opportunity to enjoy a fair, safe and productive work environment. Laws and policies help ensure diversity is respected and everyone can enjoy the privileges of working in both the city and state. The purpose of this training is to set forth a common understanding about what is and what is not acceptable in the workplace.
- What is Harassment?
- What is Sexual Harassment?
- Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
- The Supervisor's Responsibility
- Investigation and Corrective Action
- Additional Protections and Remedies
NY Combating Sexual Harassment in the Workplace (IA INT)
New York State has long been committed to ensuring all individuals have an equal opportunity to enjoy a fair, safe and productive work environment. Laws and policies help ensure diversity is respected and everyone can enjoy the privileges of working in New York State. The purpose of this training is to set forth a common understanding about what is and what is not acceptable in the workplace. Please note that this course only covers training requirements for New York State.
- What is Harassment?
- What is Sexual Harassment?
- Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
- The Supervisor's Responsibility
- Investigation and Corrective Action
- Additional Protections and Remedies
Off-Channel Communications (IA INT)
This course is designed to educate registered representatives of both broker-dealers and investment advisers about the compliance risks associated with off-channel communications. Despite the numerous regulatory actions taken against firms and their employees, and the ever-increasing level of monetary penalties assessed, unmonitored business-related off-channel communications continue to plague the industry. And regulators continue their ongoing crackdown on these practices. The course uses a situational scenario, as well as actual FINRA and SEC disciplinary actions, to illustrate behavior that may lead to regulatory violations and subsequent fines and sanctions.
This course is intended for retail representatives, institutional representatives, investment advisers, supervisors or any financial service industry professional interested in learning more about how to prevent online identity theft and what they need to do to ensure that they and their clients are not a victim of this crime. Identity thieves are stealing information from unsuspecting consumers in a number of ways. This course will show representatives how to spot some of the latest online identity theft scams targeting financial sector customers and how to avoid them.
- Impact of Technology
- Growing Problem
- Definition of Phishing
- Thieves Mimicking Legitimate Websites
- Real Example
- Trojan Horses
- Hidden Software
- How to Prevent and Protect Yourself from Online Identity Theft
Personal Securities Transactions for Investment Advisers (IA INT)
The SEC adopted certain rules under the Investment Adviser Codes of Ethics 17 CFR Parts 270, 275 and 279. This course was developed to give an understanding of reportable transactions under the rules governing investment advisers.
Phishing Awareness - The Human Factor of Security (IA INT)
Phishing Awareness - The Human Factor of Security (FE)
- Phishing Defined
- Goals and Impact of a Phishing Attack
- Phishing Techniques and Characteristics
- Examples of Phishing Emails
- How to Prevent Phishing Attacks
Political Contributions and Pay-to-Play for Investment Advisors (IA INT)
In an effort to prevent and discourage fraudulent, deceptive and manipulative practices, the SEC must continue to adapt regulation to changing market conditions. This course provides an overview of the statues and amendments that have been made over the years to help discourage these types of practices. Additionally, the course provides definitions of related terms, clarifies exceptions to the rules and provides cases studies to help users to better understand the political contributions and pay-to-play rules.
Portfolio Management for Investment Advisors (IA INT)
As a registered investment advisor, creating and managing portfolios is one of your top priorities. In this course, you'll learn what it means to be a fiduciary and what your obligations are as a fiduciary. You'll also learn about portfolio management procedures and how to fact find, create, and manage/maintain an effective portfolio for your clients. Additionally, the course covers client-imposed restrictions, the composite selection process, and the requirements on how to keep books and records in your practice.
- Fiduciary Obligations
- The DOL Fiduciary Rule
- The Importance of Being a Fiduciary
- Portfolio Management Process
- Important Considerations in the Portfolio Management Process
- Constraints on Portfolio Selection
- Composite Selection
- Selecting a Composite/Index
- Books and Records Requirements
Preventing Personal Identity Theft (IA INT)
This course is intended for retail representatives, institutional representatives, investment advisers, supervisors or any financial service industry professional interested in learning more about how to prevent personal identity theft and what they need to do to ensure that they and their clients are not a victim of this crime. Unfortunately, phishing is a growing way to steal someone's identity. And it's only one way. Identity thieves can take your personal information from your mailbox or your home. They can steal your wallet or purse or convince you to give out personal information. We all have to be on our guard. This course teaches you how.
- Identity Theft Description - Impact of Identity Theft - Security Measures You Can Take - Personal Information - How Do Thieves Steal Your Identity - Identity Safety Checklist
Preventing Sexual Harassment (IA INT)
This course is intended for registered and non-registered employees and supervisors. The objective of this course is to help employees identify behavior that is considered sexual harassment. It will explain the legal issues and other consequences of sexual harassment, as well as each person's role and responsibility in creating a work environment free of harassment. The course will also state the actions to take in the case that an incident occurs.
- Definition of Sexual Harassment - Sexual Harassment is a Behavior - Harassment at Work - Real Examples - The Law - Different Perspectives - Intent vs. Impact - Risky Behavior - Types of Harassment - Confidentiality
Privacy and Confidentiality for Investment Advisors (IA INT)
Investment advisors should be up-to-date on the latest policies and procedures to keep client information private and confidential. This course provides an overview of the three portions of the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act that apply to investment advisor privacy and confidentiality as well as applicable information on Rule 313.
- Privacy Policies
- Who is Covered
- Obligations of Investment Advisors regarding Privacy Rules
Privacy, Confidentiality, and Information Security (IA INT)
This course outlines privacy and confidentiality rights and protections, as well as some of the latest threats and methods for protecting electronic data, including emails, wireless networks and mobile devices.
- Privacy rights
- Confidentiality protections
- Information security programs
- Assessment of risk exposures and tolerances
- Adoption of an information governance system
- Creation of an information management program
- Training
- Limiting liability
- Trend watching for new threats and developments
Reg BI Considerations for Variable Annuity Recommendations (IA INT)
This course is intended to connect the provisions of Regulation Best Interest's Care, Conflict, and Disclosure obligations with the recommendations surrounding the purchase and sale of Variable Annuities to retail customers by registered representatives of FINRA member broker-dealers.
Regulation Best Interest (Reg BI) and Associated Materials (IA INT)
On June 5, 2019 the SEC approved a package of new rules and interpretations designed to improve transparency for retail investors. Included in this package are Regulation Best Interest (Reg BI), New Form CRS Relationship Summary (Form CRS), the Investment Adviser Interpretation, and a Solely Incidental Interpretation. This course will cover each of these rules in depth along with potential scenarios that one could encounter.
Regulation Best Interest: SEC Resources & FINRA Involvement (IA INT)
This course is intended for broker-dealers and associated investment professionals. The SEC updated standards of conduct established by the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 through what is called the Regulation Best Interest or Reg BI. This course provides the background, purpose, and details of this more recent regulation. Topics include definitions and broker-dealer obligations of Reg BI, plus details of the new Client Relationship Summary (Form CRS). This course also provides practical suggestions and guidelines on how to comply with Reg BI. Upon completion of this course, individuals, including those responsible for firm policies and procedures, should understand the obligations under Reg BI and when those obligations are required.
Research Analysts: Reports, Rules, and Recent SEC Cases (IA INT)
This course is intended for any investment professional, particularly anyone in or seeking an analyst role. Registered representatives, investment advisors, compliance staff, and supervisors also would benefit from taking this course. The course covers the world of investment research analysts from who they are to what they do. Topics covered include the profile, education, and functions of a research analyst; resources they may use to do their job; and the typical content of the reports they prepare. You will also learn about FINRA research analyst rules and registration requirements as well as how that role was involved in some interesting SEC cases.
- Investment Research Analysts
- FINRA Research Analyst Rules
- Registration Requirements
- Registration Requirements
SEC Regulation Best Interest FAQs, Guidance and Exam Preparedness (IA INT)
This course is intended to provide a more in-depth review of Regulation Best Interest's impact into the broker-dealer and registered investment advisory communities by examining the SEC's frequently asked questions along with firm checklists from FINRA, case studies, and what to expect for exam compliance with the new Form CRS as well as clarification on the use of the term 'advisor.'
SEC Rule 15c2-12 (INT)
The course discusses how the SEC Rule 15c2-12 and its subsequent amendments are designed to provide enhanced information to municipal securities investors by further regulating those who underwrite or sell such municipal securities.
- SEC Rule 15c2-12
Secure Act 2.0 (IA INT)
This course will cover the provisions of the new Secure Act 2.0 which was passed into law on December 29, 2022, as part of the Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023. The course will not cover the original Secure Act of 2020 that was passed in 2019. The course should help in understanding real-world applications because of the new law and other things to consider.
- Secure Act 2.0 - Consolidated Appropriations Act of 2023
SECURE Act of 2019 (IA INT)
This course is an in-depth exploration of the provisions of the SECURE Act of 2019; the first major change to the United States tax code regarding retirement plans in over a decade. The Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Savings Act of 2019 has broad implications for financial advisors, banks, credit unions, IRA custodians, tax advisors, estate planners, plan sponsors, plan fiduciaries, employers and employees. All provisions of the Act are covered in this course.
Security Best Practices for Remote Workers Amid COVID-19 (IA INT)
This course discusses the importance of security when working remotely and highlights some simple techniques that employees can employ to protect themselves while working from home. Additionally, we'll discuss the recent influx of phishing emails that have flooded inboxes since the COVD-19 outbreak and tips to avoid falling victim to a hazardous attack.
Senior Safe Act Training (IA INT)
On May 24, 2018, the Senior Safe Act became federal law. This law was enacted to address the growing number of cases of financial exploitation affecting seniors in the financial services industry. This course will provide an in-depth explanation of the Senior Safe Act including signs of diminishing mental capacity and financial exploitation, reporting responsibilities, training obligations, and additional rulings.
eniors Make Attractive Victims
What is the Senior Safe Act?
Maintaining Training Records
How Individual Immunity and Institutional Immunity work
Indications of Diminished Mental Capacity
Signs of Senior Financial Exploitation
Reporting Suspected Exploitation
Ensuring Your Financial Institution is Ready to Protect Senior Clients
Taking Action When Exploitation is Suspected
Social Media for Investment Advisers (IA INT)
In today's world, many advisers rely heavily on email communications with clients and a significant amount of advertising is conducted on webpages and through social media channels. With this rapidly changing landscape, regulators have been required to issue ongoing guidance about expectations around client interactions and what is or is not compliant. This material will cover a brief introduction to the original regulatory guidance around record retention, product recommendations and testimonials; how these rules should be applied in the context of the new social media landscape; best practices for using some of the leading social media tools in a compliant manner; and a few case studies to help illustrate these concepts.
Structured Products (IA INT)
This course is intended for representatives, investment advisers, institutional representatives, traders, and supervisors who have a well-rounded background in the issuance, distribution, and risks of conventional securities. Those taking this course should have an intermediate understanding of the securities markets and the wide variety of securities products that are offered for sale to investors. The objective of this course is to provide financial professionals with an understanding of the purpose and characteristics of structured products. To achieve this, the course reviews the investment nature of structured products and discusses related financial risks.
- Background on Structured Products
- Equity Linked Notes
- Components of a Structured Product
- Principal Protected Notes
- Liquidity Risk & Account Suitability
- Issuing Structured Products
- Reasonable Basis Suitability
- Customer Suitability
Suitability Considerations
In this course, investment advisers discover how the investment recommendations they make to their clients directly impact their fiduciary obligations. Advisors will explore tools they can use to conduct suitability analyses, learn about the impact of recommending high-risk investments, and understand what actions may cause a client’s portfolio to be unsuitable.
Supervising Alternative Investments (IA INT)
This course explores numerous factors that underline the need for supervision to ensure that compliance is met and that an effective risk management program is in place for the alternative investment adviser. The course also discusses how effectively supervising alternative investments requires implementing a robust training program to ensure that employees are continually made aware of the rules, regulations and firm policies, and their obligations to meet those regulatory and firm requirements.
- Supervising Alternative Investments
The ABC's of ESG - Environmental, Social and Governance Investing (IA INT)
This firm element course is designed to provide advisors with the background behind environmental, social and governance (ESG) investing including global standards set through the UN's Principles for Responsible Investment, Equator Principles, disclosure requirements and applicable regulations. By the end of the course, representatives should be able to explain the ESG factors, understand why institutional investors care about ESG, and what regulators are saying to investors about this strategy and the evolving nature of ESG factors.
- What is Responsible Investment?
- What is ESG?
- Why does it Matter?
- United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment (UNPRI)
- Equator Principles (EP)
- Case Study 1: A Dam Risk
- Case Study 2: Sinking Stock Prices
- ESG Indexes
- Transparency
- Current Regulations and Guidance
The SEC's New Marketing Rule: Updated Guidance for Investment Advisors (IA INT)
This course covers the SEC's New Marketing Rule and its impact on advisors; including conditions surrounding investment performance advertising, testimonials and endorsements and prohibited practices. By the end of the course, learners will be able to effectively summarize the new marketing rules key components.
Trading Practices for Investment Advisers (IA INT)
This course provides a detailed look at one element of Rule 206(4)-7 of the Investment Advisers Act of 1940. The act requires each investment adviser to adopt and implement written policies and procedures designed to prevent violations of federal securities laws. Specifically, this course addresses Investment Adviser's trading practices. Topics covered include the use of soft dollars, aggregation and allocation of trades, and best execution policies. Additionally, the course discusses unauthorized trading policies, trade errors, and books and records requirements. Cases brought against violators and the relevance of Registration Form ADV are also included.
tfolio management process;
- Proprietary trading and personal trading activities;
- Accuracy of disclosures;
- Safeguarding of client assets;
- Accurate creation and maintenance of required records;
- Marketing advisory services;
- Valuation of client holdings and fee assessment;
- Privacy protection;
- Business continuity plans; and
- Trading practices.
Understanding the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) (IA INT)
The Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) is an agency of the United States Department of the Treasury under the authority of the Under Secretary of the Treasury for Terrorism and Financial Intelligence. OFAC administers and enforces economic and trade sanction programs based on U.S. foreign policy and national security goals. This course contains a review of regulatory information. Additionally, representatives will gain a better understanding of the purpose of OFAC, its sanction programs, the SDN list, IATs and penalties for OFAC violations.
- What is OFAC?
- Sanctions
- Compliance with OFAC
- Possible Risk Factors
- Specially Designated Nationals (SDN) list
- Prohibited Parties and Transactions
- IAT Rules
- Compliance Obstacles
- Penalties
Whistleblower Rule Compliance (IA INT)
This course provides background of the SEC's Whistleblower Incentive Program, highlights recently enforced disciplinary and retaliation cases and provides recommendations for preventing non-compliance with SEC Rule 21F-17.
- Background of the Whistleblower Program
- Rule 21F-17
- Who Qualifies as a Dodd-Frank Whistleblower?
- A Historic Year for Violations - By the Numbers
- Restrictive Agreements
- Anti-Retaliation Enforcement Actions
- Preventative Steps for Remediating Risk
- SEC Examinations
Working Towards Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace (IA INT)
The lifeblood of every organization is its employees. Diverse teams, all with their own unique skill sets and capabilities, can come together to share their experience and create something greater than the sum of their parts. By the end of this course, participants will have a better understanding of diversity and inclusion concepts including unconscious bias, cultural competency, and microaggressions. This course will also highlight skills and strategies to improve your cross-cultural communication.
Wrap Fee Accounts (IA INT)
This course is an intermediate to advanced level course for registered representatives and supervisors. It is appropriate for registered representatives involved in managing mutual fund accounts with a solid understanding of mutual fund basics. This objective of this course is to provide an overview of the various wrap accounts available today. It will discuss some of the advantages and disadvantages of these programs. Wrap accounts are described, including asset investment services and portfolio management. Mutual fund asset allocation programs are described, as well as risk factors associated with such accounts.
- Definition of a Wrap Fee Account
- Types of Wrap Fee Programs
- Making Recommendations
- Investment Options
- Types of Mutual Fund Wrap Fee Programs
- Suitability of Wrap Fee Programs